I don't remember being born very well, but am working on it.
Shaking off the conformities of High School I spirited away to UCLA, there to learn about the refined intellectual abstractions such as Frat Parties, motorcycles and how to cram for a final. It was there that I met my wife, Annette, on a blind date. After a stint as buyers for The May Company, we headed toward Canada for a vacation, yet got sidetracked in Ashland, Oregon for 32 years.
We bought a Mom and Pop grocery on the Plaza and morphed it into a natural foods restaurant, which we kept open 18 hours a day.. I went on to develop historic commercial properties and working on feature film projects. All the while I wrote for several papers, airline magazines, while publishing The Essential Guide to Ashland, which sold briskly one weekend.
I'm currently writing a column which is published 4 times a month, assembling an anthology of my articles and writing a novel. I've got a half-hour television documentary about the Buckaroos of the Great Basin in the can and am in pre-production of another western hour long special.