Saturday, February 12, 2005

Calling All Cars...

I know that a some of you think that my writing is funny and occasionally a hoot...or not.

The truth of the matter is that my knowledge of grammar starts and stops with Sanskrit. My attempts at spelling are like watching a snow crab try to play a banjo, underwater.

So, here's the deal. I have a tour book and an anthology due out in two months. The only things I lack are an editor and a publisher. Sort of like a fuel dragster without an engine or a steering wheel.

Ashland has more writers, editors, publishers and other literary lions than dogs, except for typing pets, which are on the rise.

Drop me a line if you feel we can work something out. Otherwise, looks like I'll have to outsource my needs to a foreign worker in a mud hut.

Shoot me a line at: if you experience an epiphany or otherwise have insight into a solution.

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